TECHNOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES ARE DERIVED FROM NATURE: VALENTINE DIAGRAM and MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY VALENTINE DIAGRAM and MICROWAVE TECHNOLOGY Life will be colourful when the MATCHING between Life partners is PERFECT. Similarly the Microwave Technology which is the back bone of modern communication, space applications, and digital diagnostics of health care, Defence applications is said to work perfect if the MATCHING is good. In Microwave technology, MATCHING is referred by the term ‘Reflection coefficient’. For perfect Matching ‘Reflection coefficient’ should be ‘zero’ and ‘Transmission coefficient should be ‘one’. In general they are all called Scattering coefficients. A curve of scattering coefficients drawn on Smith Chart (tool to ease the parameter calculation) resembles the ‘Valentine diagram’. The commonality between Life and ‘Microwave technology’ as depicted by the enclosed chart (thanks to ‘Microwave 101’) is ‘MATCHING’ DR.S.RAGHAVAN SENIORMOST FACULTY IN ELECTRO...
This blog is to show you the latest development in Microwaves. and Imminent Technologies...